Most of you may have greater knowledge than me about Alexa. For those who spend lots of time in the Internet must have a trick or two ... regarding how to increase the Alexa Rank of your websites or weblogs, which means to lower the value in the Alexa Toolbar.
I don't mean to teach all of you about Alexa. I just want you all to refer to the history of Alexa itself. Well, here we go :
About Alexa Internet
Founded in April 1996, Alexa Internet grew out of a vision of Web navigation that is intelligent and constantly improving with the participation of its users. Along the way Alexa has developed an installed based of millions of toolbars, one of the largest Web crawls and an infrastructure to process and serve massive amounts of data.
For users of Alexa's Toolbar and web site this has resulted in products that have revolutionized Web navigation and intelligence. For developers this has resulted in a set of tools unprecedented in scope allowing whole new services to be created on the Alexa data and platform.
Alexa Products and Services
Alexa Toolbar
Alexa could not exist without the participation of the Alexa Toolbar community. Each member of the community, in addition to getting a useful tool, is giving back. Simply by using the toolbar each member contributes valuable information about the web, how it is used, what is important and what is not. This information is returned to the community as Related Links, Traffic Rankings and more. Want to help? Install the Alexa Toolbar, and tell your friends. The more people use Alexa, the more useful it will be.
Alexa's Web site is built on the notion that timely and relevant information is essential to a vital web experience.
Alexa Site Information - Alexa has built an unparalleled database of information about sites that includes statistics, related links and more. All of this information can be found on Alexa's Site Overview pages, Traffic Detail pages and Related Links pages. To access these pages, simply type the URL of any site into the Alexa Search box.
Alexa Top Sites - Alexa has lists of Top Sites available by country, language or in a category. You can download a free file of the global top million sites sorted by Alexa Traffic Rank.
Site Owner Tools
Alexa has created a series of tools specifically for web site owners. These tools can help to drive traffic, make money, find broken links and more! Go to Site Owner Tools.
Alexa Web Services
In November 2005, Alexa released the Alexa Web Information Service on the Web Services platform. Gain access to Alexa's processed information about the Web, including traffic details, related links and more. See Alexa Web Services on
pertamaxx dulu deh..hehe..
BalasHapushm..Mba oyah is the spirit of discussing traffic problems. great... hehe..
i've used toolbar alexa mba>...
nice info
BalasHapustante alexa memang terlalu cantik untuk tidak dibicarakan...again and again.....
Thx For Information about Alexa Toolbar. I Like ..
BalasHapusaQ juga udah pasang sesuai dengan instruksi mBak oyah lho
BalasHapusVery useful tips but I wonder if this is really your own article.
BalasHapusnice info sobat
BalasHapuswah udah pake mba toolbarnya, katanya review alexa gini juga bisa melangsingkan alexa ya ??
BalasHapuswahh, pengen juga nih punya alexa yg langsing kayak mbak, udah 100rb an euy...
BalasHapusvery complete mate......i'm alreday use alexa button N toolbar......thnx 4 review.....
BalasHapusalexa ku melorottt drastis gara2 sering di tinggal pulang kampungg hehehe
BalasHapusMantap dah inponya sist... berguna banget, langsung ke tkp ... sukses ya sisstt.... :D
BalasHapuswah, gagal pertamax T_T
BalasHapusgpp deh, yg penting bs nampang di pejwan hhehehhe
wow, nice posting. thanks for your sharing
wuihh ..... bagus nih!
BalasHapussalam kenal mbak oya... oia mo nanya mba...kalo trafick tulisannya no data napa ya?? apa alexa punya batasan minimal untuk menampilkan data traficknya??? tq dah dijawab..
BalasHapusMain ke blog aky ya mbak oya...
nice blog,,,i love english but im a student that still learn english so this blog help me so much to increase my knowledge about english,,,hehe,,
BalasHapuswould u mind to visit my blog at
give me some critics and suggestion
aRya juga udah install sesuai instruksi master oYah pokoknya siap :-D
BalasHapuswaduh aq gak terlalu paham nich bahasanya. coz kan gk mudeng ma bahasa inggris. he3x.....
BalasHapusSelamat siang ,
BalasHapus,Great tool , I wanna try thz tool at home haha ha ,
nice info mbak oyah...tante alexa jg langganan salon mbak oyah jg ya..heheh
BalasHapuswahhhh ternyata tentang alexa sangat menggiurkan yah :D untuk di kompres sekecil mungkin
BalasHapusok sobat terimaksih bwt infonya :D
dah dicoba ba.. tapi masih bingung makenya hehe..
BalasHapusmemang memerlikan pakdhe versi translator untuk memahaminya.hahaha
BalasHapusmaklum nggak bisa boso londo sobat..
link sudah terpasang sobat...
masih lom paham make alexa tool bar..
BalasHapus@ All : Terima kasih ud kasi komen bwt sobat2 q... Btw, melalui postingan ini, aq mengajak teman2 utk memanfaatkan kelebihan Autosurf Traffic utk meningkatkan Alexa Rank, yg mana sdh aq jalani dan memang ada hasilnya... Semoga teman2 jga bisa mengikuti, nanti aq akan berikan penjelasan lbh terperinci lagi bagi yg jdi referral aq... Makassyyiiihhh atas segala perhatiannya... semoga sukses dan... laaaannnjjuuuutttt...
BalasHapusgood tips, good article,
BalasHapusthanks for the information,
succes for you,
WAh,....saya tidak mengerti soal ALEXa segala macem..yang penting bisa nge-blog udah seneng,hehe
BalasHapustante alexa pak liek sampai saat ini masih tetep stagnan saja .... tidak kegemukan dan tidak terlalu kuru ...
BalasHapuspak liek cuman pake addon nya firefox buat tante alexa
nice info..!
BalasHapussalam sukses sahabat...!!
yeah my computer has been instaled alexa tool bar :)
BalasHapusWOW NICE Posting
BalasHapusKeep Up The Good Work ... Nice Post ...
BalasHapus1 lagi ilmu tentang alexa
BalasHapusthanks ya udah sharing
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BalasHapussalam ...berkunjung di malam hari dengan blogger karawang
BalasHapusVery nice article thanks : )
BalasHapuswah sungguh infonya bermanfaat sekali
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BalasHapusVery informative, keep posting such good articles, it really helps to know about things.